What could satisfy this pain?
This dominating pain...
That courses through my veins
My heart feels like an open wound
Exposed to everything
Festering with each touch
Growing larger with each day
The wind mocks it with its laughter
Stirring and boiling the blood
That seeps up through the skin
And trickles down the wrist
And puddles in the palms
Of hands that live for sin
I drink my pain
It tastes like you
Could you be why I cry?
Why acid tears well up in my soul
And drip...drop...
Suffucate the dwindling light
of all i've left within
I clasp my bloody palms...
Around my shattered heart
With one last squeeze, one more beat
I rip it all apart
My life
My joy
My existence
All for the likes of you
My searing pain
My only Love...I say goodbye
Once more
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