Memories that I’ll never forget
Moments that I’ll never regret
Memories that have been hurting me inside
Moments that have been making me want to run and hide
Sweet memories that I wish would last forever
Intimate moments when you and I were happy together
Those days are gone
And now I’m sitting here all alone
Wishing you’d love me once again
Cause without you, my heart is not a home
I have nothing else to do but to cry
To pretend I don’t care, to say I don’t love you
But I just can’t live a lie
Forgetting you is hard to do
How I wish you’d come back to me
And give our love a second chance
I’ve been missing you so much lately
I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I’m lost in a trance
I remember the date and time
The sixth of June, at 8:45 that night
The night when everything was lost
And nothing seemed right
That night, on June 6th
You went out of my life
That night, at 8:45
All I wanted to see was that knife
I’ll never forget that day
When I lost my baby, my best friend
I was left with nothing, no words to say
Except maybe, “I wish my life would end.”
And on that night,
On the sixth of June
I’ve never been so alone, so depressed, so confused
I don’t know what happened for it to end so soon
So tonight I’m crying again
Wishing that you, too, are looking at the moon
Wishing that day never happened
That night, on the sixth of June
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