Paint me a tombstone,
tell me about the art of dying.
one dies from a heart attack
oh the heart ticks constantly.
others die from surgery failure.
the knife went into the wrong slice.
many people die from old age
oh, what they've experienced in their life.
we die every moment, every day, every way.
it just matters on how they died.
it's Art, it's the last moment of their life.
just like the beginning of their life is important.
We all must respect that.
the blue blots make the sky that witnessed their decay.
the red makes the lips that went light blue the moment they died.
the moment we died. we die in different ways.
people hope to die in their sleep, what dreams will be their last?
other's want their death want to be the noticed.
did you read in the newspaper that the actor died of dementia.
you know it's beautiful that we die, it's Art.
don't hide from death, it awaits like your mother did when she gave
birth to you.
other die when they have sex. did it last the orgasm?
we all die, we all fry, don't by shy.
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