Oh please, our lord in heaven,
Save my child of only seven.
He was playing near a train,
I may never see my boy again.
Please God, save my only son,
I don't want his life to be done.
God almighty, hear my plea,
Please return my father to me.
He was fine before his stroke,
Now his mind's all but broke.
He acts like another, meaner, man,
Please, my lord, do what you can.
Holy father, I have sinned,
I do not know where to begin.
I've lied, I've cheated, I've even stole,
I have by now even sold my soul.
Give me guidance, for I have none,
Let me have my sin undone.
Oh Lord of Lords, I call your name,
To beg you to release my shame.
I cheated on my husband, true,
And now I'll make it up to you.
Please forgive me, if you will,
My moment of weakness has made me ill.
Why do you ignore my words, oh God?
Is it that you are a fraud?
Or maybe I do not share the love
That is granted to all from above.
Or maybe, just maybe, I am too small
To be of any concern at all.
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