a thousand graves with a thousand diffrent names.....diffrent shapes and
years not a single one yours......every stone i step on crawls on my feet
,for miles of stones my feet defeat...
not a single one yours....
they met each other that night....they met one enother .....i passed over
their graves holding my breathe intruducing each grave as my feet
a thousand miles apart tonight....
they met intruduced threw my lamet feet....not a single stone holds your
name....not a single one yours.....i looked all night trapt up in a grave
yard....but not alone...under the moon light my eyes held souls strung to my
feet....together their lifes lessons melt to my feet ....cooled by my tears
the night lets out steam....they wake to one girls silent search.....they
know me..know who im searching for....i hold my breathe but they never talk
just mingle below my feet gathering emotions seaping up threw my
spine.....they know me.....i hold my breathe but the dead wont live...cant
tell a soul but one enother where he is that im looking for....they just
gather to the souls of my shoes ....listening to me cry the nights silent
a thousand miles apart they all met that night....
.and i never found your stone...your grave..your body my byes trapt up in
your casket.....a thousand miles apart ..i never herd my own good byes..only
the trapt souls i carried by my feet......but they all met that night...
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