The adrenaline rush
As you near the first fence.
The approach is precise,
The moment is tense.
Legs tightly tucked,
The take-off just right.
You let out a breath,
As you land from the flight.
The crowd now is silent,
The tension now great.
This was just the first fence
Over a course of eight.
The power beneath you,
The feel of each stride.
Makes you beam with excitement,
and joy you can't hide.
As you walk from the ring
With a gleam in your eye,
The crowd starts to cheer,
You feel you could fly.
You stand by the gate,
To watch the next rider's courses.
You feel anxious and weak,
Around all the show horses.
The class now is ending,
They're announcing who won. hear your name!
Someone shouts "well done"
You ride into the arena
To retrieve the first prize.
You never expected to win,
As you wipe tears from your eyes.
You rub your mounts neck,
And slide to the ground.
"Good job old boy, That was a winning round!!!"
I'm an eventer in the SC area. Look for me at the shows!!!
Copyright © h2hot2trot08, All Rights Reserved