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07/30/2004 @ 4:22pm

You say I walk so blindly,
When you walk to defy me.
The plank is on the edge now,
And you're so far behind me.

Will I take a step ahead,
Or can you go on kindly?
You know I'd like to push you off,
I think it's perfect timing.

Keep looking deeper keep it up,
You might not like your findings.
A cursive quote, scribbled down,
Undistiguishable signing.

The rainbow pen bleeds only white,
And the gears of life are grinding.
You show yourself... your someone else,
The vultures slowly diving.

A swordless figure... bathed in red,
The bloody bull horns shining.
I sit and watch, cascades of cheers,
For thy destined fate unwinding.

The mask is big and bold, it is,
But I've undone the bindings.
A plain face, full of dirt and dread,
And now...
Your not behind me.
Copyright © augie, All Rights Reserved

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