My last teardrop fell tonight
I will no longer cry for you
I know I should be mad that you broke my heart
Cause without you, I fell apart
I remember you saying you love me more than anything
That I was the best thing that ever happened to you
You said I was the only one you wanted and deserved
And that I have a way of making things special in all I do
I guess now I’m a big fool for believing you
Cause now you say I’m an insane bitch
This I heard from a close friend
Who was in your class hearing all the things you said
I just don’t understand
You said no matter what you’d always love me
I guess our promise ring didn’t mean anything
You weren’t the same guy who used to make me happy
I’ve finally realized that you’re not worth my tears
When I found out that you only stayed with me out of pity
It was because you thought I was suicidal
You were afraid I’ll kill myself if you ever left me
Well, I’ve proved you wrong, didn’t I?
I’m content without you by my side
I’m never again falling for you lies
I’m opening up my eyes
And looking forward to my new life
Cause my last teardrop fell tonight
When I put away all of our memories
I’ve found the strength to stop crying,
To move on, to stop reminiscing
I put it all away -
Every picture, every letter, every stuffed animal, every jewelry, every
memory -
It’s hidden deep in my closet now
And as I was putting it all away
I reread all your letters and began to cry
I remember you saying that it’s never goodbye
That I was your first true love and that you’ll always remember me
But that just doesn’t cut it
Things can’t be the way they used to be
So then my last teardrop fell
I then wipe it off and smile
Knowing that I’ll always cherish our memories but I’ve moved on
Also knowing that I still love you and won’t love anyone for a while
Even though my last teardrop fell tonight
And for you will never again fall
My love for you will always be here deep in my heart
I’ve realized that loving you was worth it after all
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