I bought you this promise ring,
That I can't show to you,
Because it's not on the computer screen,
Just like me and you,
We love each other this I know,
I want you here,
During the snows,
I love you dear I want you near,
I just want to be able to hold you,
Til then let this be my promise ring,
The thing I want to say,
I'll sing,
I love you so take this ring,
And remember of the promise,
I promise not to hurt you,
I promise not to leave,
I promise to stick by you,
I promise I love you,
I promise this is real,
I promise my heart knows,
Exactly how I feel,
(((This is to the greatest girl in the world... Cat Riddick I love you
((where did that come from... its like woah two things... oh well i love you
so it dont matter... it says it twice incase some one misses one of them))
(((oh this is to the greatest girl ever... Cat Riddick i love you)))
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