You are the fresh young Spring breeze upon my face
Flowers fragrant luminous and sweet
You are the air that I breathe, smile on my face
Every tear that I shed, every decision I make
You are my all in all
You are my inspiration, my foundation Rock
The beating of my heart, each tick of the clock
You are the summer that warms me, glistening waterfalls
Every storm that comes and trials I bear
You are my all in all
You are the fresh flowing water, which ebb upon the beach
Moon in the sky, the stars I cannot reach
You are my every thought, hopes and desires
The longing to be accepted that my heart requires
You are my all in all
You are the gentle springtime rain on my shattered dream
Flower-kissing morning due that awakes my soul
My worlds treasure, secret of my heart
You are the light that over-rides my darkness
You are my all in all
Copyright © charmaine, All Rights Reserved