its funny how this all works out, loving is like hit or miss. you never know
if its going to last. they say it will last forever and ever. then why do so
many people break up, after they have spoken these words?, to find security
in themselves, to wash away all the shit in their lives, upon a shore, where
the sun sets and the water glimmers a peaceful orange. rip tide is growing
bigger your eyes they are tearing up. you knew this was going happen, i had
to end this all before it got any worse. no ones to blame but the heavens.
all of this doesnt seem to make any sense to me. why dot things just fall
apart for no reason, no reason at all. and now your kissing him, and i
thought i could trust you, but somehow you fooled me.
are you going to be honest with me?, if you lose it again will you really
tell me. because your actions only speak the truth. can you see this is
ending all wrong. what happend?, i dont get it, did i not listen enough?,
was i not there for you when you needed a tissue?, now your words are flying
out of control, ive heard it all before so just close your lips and drink
this poison down slowly.
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