Leaf oh leaf!
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
I want to know!
Are you going to the grassy plains?
Or are you going to the dark jungles?
Are you going to the deep sea?
Or are you going to the endless desert?
Are you going to the murky swamps?
Or are you going to the paved city?
I want to know!
I know!
I know where you are going!
For you are just a leaf,
Drifting in the wind.
Going where ever the wind takes you.
You could go to all those places,
Or you could go to just one.
You have been taken from your tree,
Scattered from the rest.
You will go where the wind takes you,
And where life takes you.
I will learn from you leaf.
You will be a lesson to me.
To remember that life is unpredictable,
And that anything could happen.
I know where you are going!
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