I thought that I was different all of my life.
I was special, I was important,
And nothing else mattered to me.
All that I worried about was
How I would appear to others;
Would I be able to keep up my reputation...
My reputation of being different?
If I cut my hair like them, will I still be unique?
If I wear clothes like theirs, will I retain my originality?
Ifs and whens, whys and hows-
So many questions floating, floating,
Empty of answers.
Then middle school hits you - with all of it's own
Differences, strife, homework, and who else knows what.
You meet people you never knew existed, but were so like you
Only they were different still.
They had their own mind, like you had yours
And you couldn't help but wonder if
They thought they were special,
Important, unique,
Like you did when you were a kid.
And you can't find the courage to ask about it, because
You want to preserve your thoughts of originality.
You were the only one who
Thought your family would always be there,
Thought that we'd all be together forever,
Thought that our friends would never change.
You don't want to know that your mind
Isn't always the only one
Thinking what you're thinking.
You can get caught up in yourself,
Rambling on and on and off and on about
Stuff that doesn't make sense,
Like I somehow find myself doing
And I never even knew I was talking
In the first place.
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