I cannot begin to understand all this
The things in my head circling again and again
Relentlessly driving me to a deeper level then ever before
Just when I think the storm is over
The wind picks up and I am thrown back down
Stuck in the air being pushed and pulled
Backward and forward up and down
There is no safe direction in sight
The light fades and grows darker as the minutes go by
How do people live like this?
There must be a breaking point
A moment in time where all is lost and hope drains
Everything taken from you seems to creep towards me
Leaving the burden solely on me
Time and again this happens and I let it
My only question is Why?
How can I let this occur over and over again
As if I do not exist, invisible to the human eye
Except yours
Which is ironic because you are the only one I wish to escape
-casandra obrien-
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