Would you die for me?
Why do you hit me?
Did I do something wrong?
When you say you love me,
Do you mean it?
Do you do this to other people?
Or just me?
Why must you take your anger out on me?
Why do all of my old friends hate me?
Why don't you hit my sister, "your kid"?
Why did I need a step-dad?
Why did daddy leave?
Why didn't he love me?
Why do you beat me, like nobody will ever find out?
Does it make you feel stronger when you hit someone weaker than you?
Do you like seeing me cry?
Does every father do this?
Do other dads love their daughters?
Why do you hate me?
Does everyone know when they look at me, that I'm a cutter?
Is this what hell is like?
Did I mention I hate you?
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