The buzzar goes off , her eyes try to stay shut.
Her dreams were to pleasant for her to wake.
She thinks of the days and how fast they go by.
She searches through the darkened eyelids to find answers.
But she knows you can't find answers to the world that way.
The buzzar's still going , her eyes try to stay shut.
She tries hard to not listen to it.
She justs wants to listen to the silence.
She thinks of the days and how fast they go by.
The happenings in her dreams never come true.
She wants to get away and have an adventure.
The buzzar's still going , her eyes try to stay shut.
Many minutes pass before she realizes its not coming back.
Her dream has vanished.
She is still thinking of the days and how fast they go by.
As she lays there tears stream down her face.
This dream is lost forever.
The buzzar shuts off, her eyes are wide open.
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