Talking to the songbrid friday morning. While bus stop blues caused the
beach sand to two step back into the moistest region of the road. As it
rained a thousand storms. Taking the wroth away in the hot days of the
October country.
I spoke out to the songbird. Making the creature pause to ponder upon
this question. But I only said a basic word and sentence.
"Where did the time go?"
The singbird puzzled. Looking for an answer, confused byt the question.
"Where did the love go?"
Fixed upon the songbird I stood in awe. (That Led Zeppelin song was true)
"Sometimes songbirds sing all the thoughts of are era."
And era was a blink of an eye now of days. Time as I wished was some
what of a fantasy. But the interia from the clock always seems to take
But the songbird went on to simple say.
"Is time love?"
So I responded with a question.
"What is life?"
The songbird took a melody that seemed all to simliar.
"Isn't life love, and love life?"
I asked, "What could love give to life?"
"Love goves life, and life gives love."
I only stood, stilled by wisdom, stilled by time, stilled by thoughts
and melody. But only with could we better understand the songbird .
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