The blood dries under my fingernails
Scrathcing, scraping away at my skin
Lick the blood now dripping
That once flowed deep within
The thought that it can be free
Intrigues me
They say "To find the answers you must look deep inside yourself"
Well, that's exactly what I'm doing
This blood once flowed deep inside me
I release it
In hope of finding the answers it hides
Blood stains my shirt
I've grown tired of getting fragments of answers
So i go directly to my core--my heart
The center of my chest is where i begin
Digging, ripping, tearing apart
Scratching, scraping away at my skin
I break through-- a black hole appears
No more blood
Not even a heart...
But strangly.......
This nothingness, this black cavern
Explains everything...
All the questions, answered
Why do i feel so empty?
You are empty.
Why can't i love?
You have no heart.
Why do people reject me?
They see nothing in you...
Everything is so clear now
Clear as the tears streaking down my face
Maybe the answers are better left unknown...
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