It's been months..
Since I've told you those words.
It's been weeks..
Since you've made me smile.
It's been days..
Since you've broken my heart.
It's been minutes..
Since I last cried over you.
It feels like heart break..
When you don't say those words.
It feels like shit..
When you don't make me smile.
It feels like pain..
Each time my heart breaks.
And these tears,
Have slowly turned into hate.
I'm sure it feels like victory..
Victory over my broken heart.
I'm sure it feels great..
Great to be with a slut,
Who'll give you head at any minute of the day.
I'm sure it feels wonderful..
Wonderful to know that I cry every fuckin night.
I'm sure you love it when you think of me..
And how bad you've hurt me.
But it's been months..
Since I've meant those words.
And it's been weeks..
Since I've cried over you.
It's been days..
Since I've thought about you.
And it's been minutes..
Since the last time you've cried...
Cried over losing me.
personally, i don't like this poem. but i think it'll somewhat help the
people that have had their hearts broken like mine. cuz it sucks ass being
hurt lol. but hey.. they're all either sluts or jackasses and we're better
off without 'em. either way, you'll end up getting over it and moving on.
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