If I were to tell you
That this is all fake,
Our life together,
And all that's at stake
Was just made up,
Your heart would break.
When your heart breaks,
My heart will die.
You won't trust me.
It was all just a lie.
You'll walk out
Without saying goodbye.
When you walk out,
I'll shut myself in.
You'll move on.
My will will grow thin.
You'll love another,
But I'll never again.
When you move on,
I still won't let go.
I'll wait for you always,
But you'll never know.
You'll grow old,
I won't grow.
As the years go by,
I'll die inside.
You'll forget our love,
And I'll still hide
Behind that distant feeling
Locked safe in my mind.
When you pass,
I'll come to see.
I'll know your family,
But they won't know me.
I'll answer The Question,
That answer: not to be.
But none of this happens,
You'll forgive me instead.
You'll love and trust me,
From now 'till you're dead.
I won't mess this up,
We have a life to be led.
With another chance
I know I can do
What needs to be done,
We'll start anew.
All this because,
Amanda... I love you!
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