To my darling,
The one I love...
If you could see your way to granting one wish,
It is a love wish,
wished by many through the years,
maybe not stated quite this way,
but wished all the same...
The wish that...
As many stars that sparkle the sky,
if they were to be counted,
they would equal the number of years that we shall spend our life together.
The wish that...
No matter how many people come and go in our lives,
we will always remain faithful to each other.
The wish that...
All my days shall be spent by your side,
as may all my nights.
The wish that...
My dying day shall be spent within the warm embrace of your arms,
with the sun shining behind you, and your breath whispering
I Love You
upon my neck
as I slowly
I beg of you,
Grant me my love wish.
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