I'm sitting here with nothing to do
starring at the sky, wondering why it's blue
Why are there clouds, what are they for
Are they just decoration or much more
Why are people born, why do they die
Why do we smile, why do we cry
Why do we laugh, why do we run
Why are some things boring and some fun
Why does the sun rise in the East and set in the West
Why does the moon appear full or as only a crest
Why are there seasons, like summer and spring
Why are they so special, what do they bring
Why do trees grow so tall
Why do their leaves fall
Why does the grass grow, why is it green
Why is there life not yet found, not yet seen
All of these questions are alike
They are all part of life's journey, the long hike
So no matter how weird the tree, cloud or season
they are all here for a purpose and a reason
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