A feeling,
The feeling worst of all.
Knowing so many things,
Yet nothing's quite known at all.
Knowing oh-so many things,
None of which make sence.
Knowing how you feel
Can change so many things.
Knowing how another feels
Can change just as much.
A feeling,
The feeling so hindering.
My mind is mangled,
And my thoughts are blurred.
My feelings are mixed-up,
And my stomach wants me to throw-up.
My eyes are foggy,
And my mind is in the clouds,
Eleated that we feel the same, but
What is it that we feel, exactly?
Are we just friends?
Are we in 'like?'
Are we in 'love?'
Are we in anything real at all?
A feeling,
A feeling often felt.
I've thought about it,
And thought it through.
I've done the math,
And found some clues.
I've come to a conclusion,
And I hope you have too.
We think so much alike,
But the result isn't always the same.
A feeling,
The feeling I know all too fell.
Before we get confused again,
Before we get on this roller coaster again,
I so desperately want to tell you,
"My conclusion is this..."
So, here I will I tell you.
Here in my thoughts,
For we now hide this from the world
Though I'd hope it be not long.
A feeling,
The feeling traps the words from your lips.
So here I will tell you,
"My conclusion is this...
I'm madly in love with you,
And I just coundn't say it before.
"My conclusion is this...
I'm surprisingly in love,
And I beg of you, please,
Never let your hand leave mine.
"My conclusion is this...
I'm head over heels,
And I'd die if you left.
Together forever if only you spare the time."
A felling,
The feeling momentaraly gone.
"My conclusion is this...
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