Thoughtless words spoken to people misunderstood
Unnecessary comments said in the sake of looking good
Would you say it if you could
Why am I asking you that I know you would
Is it necessary to say I'm a freak
I don't mind it but is that a sign that you're weak
Why is what I wear, say, and do connected to a devilish relation
You're blowing all of this way out of proportion
You don't understand me so don't judge me
My inner soul you can't see
You're blind to me
So don't judge what you can't see
I'm not the one who's fake
Don't put me down for your own selfish sake
Sacrificial actions that are never fair
So many reasons for despair
Don't lose your-self in the retarded things people say
Just let it go they'll get theirs, go your own way
We're not responsible for their mistakes
It's not our fault they have to be fake
Why be accepted when you could be different
Be your self it's so much more sufficient
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