A common statement once described
How devoted were both our lives;
Where one was found the other would be
If she was there, you'd find me.
We loved, we laughed, we shared our dreams;
The clueless masses could easily deem
That all we did was for each other,
We lived to be with one another.
One day he came into her life,
An event in hers but not in mine;
Our life diffused back in to two,
If she was there, he was too.
Soon the masses would perceive,
Before even I could believe,
Events more detailed than "If A then B,"
Events that allowed only "B" and "C."
The "A" was forcefully pushed out,
I was confused and full of doubt,
At this point I could finally see
That things had become "If B then C."
I move on with half a heart,
For her half did depart;
Sorrow is all that is there for me,
I'm just an "A" without a "B."
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