I gave them everything
they turn around and stop
stop talking stop waving stop even looking at me
I gave them everything
I hate them
I hate them for not caring
I hate them for not being there
I hate them
I thought I loved them
I thought they would be there for me
I thought they loved me back
I thought I loved them
I made a mistake
I made a mistake caring for them
I made a mistake having sex with them
I made a mistake
why do I?
why do I trust so easily?
why do I get hurt so often?
why do I ?
the don't get it
they don't get it that they hurt me
they don't get it that I wont always be there
they don't get it
i tried
i tried talking about it
i tried getting over it
i tried
it just hurts
it hurts to know they don't care
it hurts to know what I'm missing
it just hurts
why do i even try?
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