I sit upon this unholy throne of burning death,
that always seems like its shedding tears of light from the hate of
its always bleeding the putrid light from this place we all call hell.
Gaze deep in the epidomy of evil all you can see looking back at you like a
mirror is yourself,
wonder as you will why this is,
but you all to soon will know,
as you slowly rot and become part of my abrasive light.
I hear your Cries burning in my brain like a fire from the darkest reaches
of hell,
the pain from this just drives my anger even further.
Walk past me and you might feel the torment of millions,
as they burn with you,
smell your flesh burning as far as the heavens,
you see me smile as you suffer on this beach of hell,
with drifting waves of burning hatred, agonizing screams and the ashes of
those who where incinerated before you.
Make sure you take one last look before you become part of my Ocean of
Hatred, indefinite demise from humanity,
as you close your eyes for the last time and wonder what your future holds
for you,
your lord knows what kind of tortures this prison of burning Sky's
holds for you,
and yet he doesn't condemn it,
you must be tortured for eternity,
sucking on your defecated skin to get the last remaining drops of soul that
your mind holds,
this pain is everlasting,
as you feel yourself slowly slip into nothingness,
to have nothing but to come back to me again and feel this pain.
Copyright © luftwafferaid, All Rights Reserved