you never noticed what you didn't want to see.
Forcing me down to the way you want me to be.
You weren't aware of the pain you put me through.
i was trapped in your judgement just like glue.
was changing who i am part of your plan?
was it a plan to end our sisterly bond?
Friends forever? i think not.
being in this trap is not what i want.
be like you? no
not in a million years.
don't try to change me.
i will be happier without you wait and see.
chains and whips is the life i led.
with you in my life i wished i was dead.
life without you never smelled so sweet.
now i think i am forever free.
sisters no more
best friends no more
suicide thoughts no more
your judgement no more
you would think i just went through a fucking war.
we had nothing the same.
always fighting about anything.
but now your gone and i can be me.
nothing could have ever have smelled so sweet.
i live my days happy now.
thanks to my goodbye.
i am gone from your control and your lies.
now i have time to fly to the sky..
and not giving a shit about you.
( I ended me and Danielle's friendship.. she was trying to change me... )
~Ashley~ 2005
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