walk down the hallway
stare at the pattern in the carpet
don't dare look up
for fear of seeing other eyes
eyes like mine, but also so different
eyes belonging to people superior to me
people that can oppress and suffocate me
all the while kissing up to authority
keep moving, go with the flow
don't stop for anything
for if you stop, they'll taunt you
call you a freak, a nerd
make you feel insane, strange
and isolate you even farther
from where you find yourself already
glance to the side
search the crowds for allies
people that understand you,
beings like you that know of the wrath
when finding none, stare down again
make sure you don't let them see you look up
make your way to class
don't let them find you alone
they'll torture you, alienate you
leave you with nothing to call your own
nothing except the fear they gave you
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