I gave u my all,
I showed you with more then just words that I cared.
I had all my thoughts and feelings up in the air,
Hoping one day that you would actually care.
I wasted all my time and energy on trying to prove to you that I will always
be there,
And in the process I really started to care.
I fell in love with you,
The things it made me do,
The way it made me feel,
The way it made me think,
Is possibly the reason I lost you.
In the process my heart started to tare in two,
You took my heart and shattered it all over the floor.
It was such a mess I am still finding broken pieces that I have to collect,
This masterpiece that used to be called my heart will never get put back
It will never be exactly the same as before.
There will always be the painful reminder of everything we went through,
Both through the good times and the bad.
But now it's all on you as to why we fell apart,
You decided to go against your word and break my heart.
All because you began to panic and didn't know what to do with a good girl
like me.
So you threw it all away for someone who was suppose to be my best friend.
When really all she was, was just as sad of a person as you turned out to
You enjoyed her for a little bit but she's just not the wifey type,
You had that but you threw it all away.
Threw it all away for one day of not having to deal with the deep thoughts
and emotions that you didn't understand.
The thoughts and emotions that you began to feel for me and you never felt
You told me that you don't know what you would do without me in your life
and you needed me.
But the day you decided to throw it away,
Was the day I looked back and didn't know what to say.
I don't know what was the truth and what was a lie, even to this day.
In the end I was the only one that kept her word,
Yet also in the end I was the only one that ended it all with a broken
And although you don't deserve it,
I love you.
I will always love you.
From the bottom of my heart,
That's the part that never changed from the start,
Even though it keeps taring me apart.
Copyright © xbloodyxrosex, All Rights Reserved