Anger against my family I know is bad,
But they're all on my case which makes me so mad.
All the childhood fears that I experienced,
They throw it in my face like it never existed.
All the time we have fights and arguments,
Over something said and something complimented.
They need to learn to keep their noses out of my
Because it doesn't concern them and I don't need
their opinions.
Throwing my past around is not a good thing,
All it does is cause me lots of pain.
It hurts my heart to know that even family can't be
But I don't care anymore cause they hurt me too much.
Sometimes family just don't understand,
All they want is my command.
I'm not some play toy they can just throw around,
I'm a human being just like everyone else.
So my anger among my family may someday cease,
But I don't know, it just might increase.
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