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Im not who i used to (be)
02/25/2006 @ 10:52pm

I don’t want it
But I need it
Whether I choose to believe it
That’s another story
Its your job to teach me
Not deceive me

This might be your house
But it’s partly mine to
If I choose to cut myself that doesn’t involve you
What now, I’m not who I used to
I’ve changed

Let’s play the name game
Do you even remember who I am?
You say that you used to be my biggest fan
What happened?
Why’d you change?
Who are you gonna blame it on this time?
I’m like a lion, untamed

You say I sold my soul to the devil
That may be true
I’m not who I used to
The major difference is that I used to be happy
So did you
We’re both not who we used to

Who changed first?
Who started the curse?
Whose real, who’s fake?
At least I understand others and appreciate

Life is a gift
There’s not always gonna be a tomorrow
I’m sick of dwelling in depression because of your sorrow
Get a room
Waste your life away
Shit happens
In your mind you don’t have to keep thinking replay
Fast forward a bit
People actually give a shit

You haven’t been acting like yourself lately
But then again neither have i
I’m sick of thinking about all the tears I’ve cried
You’re not worth all this pain
We are both insane

Your not who you used to
And neither am i
I’m sick of needing an alibi for every cover up, every lie

I’m not who I used to
I just don’t give a damn
Stop complaining
I’m walking out this door
You can’t stop me
You’ll never have to deal with me anymore

I’m not who I used to be
But neither are you
But I’m sick of the lies
And I just wanna be true

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