I lay awake each morning,
trying to decide,
why I always have this feeling,
of emptiness inside.
I can never quite define it,
but always it is there,
a constant, brutal memory,
of heartache and despair.
I know the angels took you,
for reasons of their own,
I only wish I壇 had the chance,
to take my baby home.
To hold you in my loving arms,
And kiss your little head;
to rock you softly off to sleep,
and lay you in your bed.
To be the perfect mommy,
for my perfect pride and joy;
to play with you and feed you,
and buy all your favorite toys.
I値l have another baby,
I値l watch it grown and play;
but I will miss you more and more,
with every passing day.
Your brothers and your sisters,
will know what we have lost.
They値l be taught that life is rough,
and each joy has a cost.
And each year on your birthday,
a new flower will bloom,
we値l plant it in the garden,
near what would have been your room.
Though I never got to meet you,
when in heaven I do see,
I知 sure that I will recognize,
you smiling there for me.
I never will forget you,
I hope that you believe,
you池e my heart, my soul, my burning pride,
my love, my first conceived.
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