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Mask Of Perfection
11/06/2006 @ 2:38am

I am what you want to see
But its not who I wanna be
This mask of perfection is the perfect lie
No one knows what I feel inside

My thoughts and feelings hidden away
Never to see the light of day
Because you wanted perfection
That’s what you’ll get

My words are all lies
No one will see how broken I am inside
The real person I am will never be shone
No one will no about my unhappy home

No one would suspect
That I’m counting the days
Asking if I’m dead yet
Living in a daze

All I do is cry a river of tears
All you want is more and more
You are the cause of all my fears
You’ve broken me down over the years

This mask of perfection hides all truth
For people like me and other shattered youth
I’m completely hopeless and full of shit
Yet everyone believes me like some sort of idiot

I know that I’m a hypocrite
But no one else knows about all the pain inflicted on me
And when I look in the mirror, I hate what I see

This mask of perfection hides that my life is like a game
And I’m forced to play day after day
It hides all the blame placed upon me
And all the sadness and agony

This mask of perfection can not last forever
And I can not live like this much more
So today this mask of perfection is reaching its end
And today I will lose my life, my family, and my friends

But maybe that’s what I really want
No more pretending
No more lies
And no more mask to hide what I feel inside

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