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11/06/2006 @ 2:40am

i just cant take this anymore
i feel like a filthy whore
the few people that care about me
arent the ones i wanna see

my life is falling apart at the seems
and all i wanna do is scream and scream
but i cant so i guess i wont
'cause once again you hands are around my throat

this pain will never go away
i cant wait til i no longer see the light of day
you always seem to take my breathe away
for better or for worse

you've changed my life
made me a mini mold of you
and anything you say about me
just so happens to be true about you

i can not take this life of misery
and you hate all my apathy
i do not care or give a shit
and your a lying hypocrite

just end my pain tonight
so i dont have to
because i'm sick of dealing with you

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