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I think about
05/16/2007 @ 6:15pm

I think about everything in the world. I think about how i'm living and what
will change 10 years from now. I think about the future and whats going to
happen. I think about life, now and later, here and there, who and what. I
think about things that should have happened, but didn't and things that
shouldn't have happened, but did. To people, thinking is not important.
Thinking means the world to me, but some people say "who cares" and move on
with their lives, but it shouldn't be who cares because I care. Alot of
people don't think before they speak or do anything, and then don't like to
take responsibility for what they have done or said. Thinking is hard for
most people, but for me it's a skill. It should never be hard or fustrating
because your going to have to do it at some point in your life. I think
about why bee's sting and why plants blossom and why people are people. I
think about why would anybody want to harm another person and why our
society is how it is. I think about alot, enough to know what goes on inside
my little head.
I THINK ABOUT..................
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