Thump Thump
Thump thump,
Goes the beat of the heart,
Under my ear,
I hear it start.
I breathe heavily;
With a swipe of my sleeve,
My forehead is once more clean.
Thump thump.
The pulse is faint,
Almost not there,
To all but those fair,
Few who hear it, too.
Thump thump.
It sparks a fire in my gut,
And so I close my eyes tightly shut.
I find my fingers on the point of pulse,
Feeling with every beat the rhyme.
Thump thump.
My sweat still glistens,
Almost forgotten,
On my back,
As I hear the nick and the knack,
Of boots on the floor,
Coming to me from the door.
"You've saved him,"
They say,
But I say,
For I know I did not do it,
It was the heart that beat me to it.
Thump thump,
I felt it again,
Blood flowing just beneath the skin.
Thump thump.
Thump thump.
Thump thump.
That's all I could hear now,
Thump thump,
It's all I could feel,
Thump thump,
Because it was not real.
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