Nevermore, nevermore, the Raven once crowed.
Nevermore will he love,
Nevermore will he live.
Nevermore will his love be there with him.
He had never seen another,
As beautiful as Lenore.
As radiant as Lenore,
The crows voice rang out in the darkness,
For the fire had gone out:
Nevermore, was true,
Nevermore would he see her again.
Blast that bird to the depths of Hades,
Nevermore Nevermore Nevermore!
He could take it no more!
Nevermore, would he see Lenore,
Nevermore would he hold Lenore,
Nevermore would he touch his beloved,
Magnificent Lenore!
He waved away the Raven frantically,
Lashing out in his depression,
Nevermore, would he listen to the bird,
Nevermore would that Bird of Death crow at him,
Nevermore would the Neptune Shores haunt him.
Nevermore, would he live,
Nevermore would he lye without his beloved,
Radiant Lenore.
He walked upon the Neptune shores,
Praying to see his beloved,
Beautiful Lenore.
But, it wasn't to be,
He would nevermore see her,
Just as he would nevermore would see the light of day,
Feel the sun on his face.
Nevermore was he to live,
Nevermore would Death give him his deed of life.
Nevermore would he want to die.
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