Is gentle and kind.
It likes to draw puppies and
dolls with doily-like collars
when it痴 not volunteering
for a charity.
I知 not that person,
but I壇 like to pretend I知
someone who puts others
in front of myself.
I choose it to remind it
that I still care,
or that I remember it.
Is the cheerleader
or football player with a
sharp smile and a minimum
I知 not that person,
and I never want to be,
but I値l always be slightly
jealous of it.
I choose it to impress crowds
that are misled,
and will not recall my name.
Is the oceans depth,
teasing imagination,
so dark and compressed even
technology has yet to
read between its lines.
I知 the oceans depth,
disregarded because of
my annoying, stubborn need
for my mystery.
I choose this because sometimes
I知 just tired
of being a number I知 not.
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