It was a cold, spring rain,
...this afternoon, around 3...
The type that doesn’t stop for days,
Leaving the streets to fill up with puddles,
And the buses filled
with so many peoples’ previous footprints.
Including mine.
And I walked for about a half hour,
Without my jacket,
And my heavy book bag,
Messy hair in a turquoise clip,
Pants dragging...
Soaked up to the knee.
The cars slicing past me,
As the trees dripped
Everything gray and green...
And a message on my phone,
Asking, “What are you up to?”
As the rain dripped off the screen...
...Easily sidetracked...
As I smiled to myself…
You answered your door
after a light knock
and a slight pause.
And you looked at me,
Differently than I expected.
Less surprise
Less shock
But that’s only cause...
it was that type of day.
But no less loving then I expected.
You hugged me,
despite how cold I was,
compared to you...
always so warm...
in your arms.
You let me dry my clothing,
In your dryer,
As it span
And you let me barrow your blue pajama bottoms
And your black T-shirt...
Both too big for me.
You cooked me food...
As I watched the rain fall harder on your balcony.
Which progressed to me almost sleeping
On your coach with your big warm blanket.
And you came in,
Without me hearing you,
And surprised me
Your hand on my head...
Looking down on me...
So much affection,
A look in your eyes,
As if to say,” How am I this lucky?”
So I reached for you,
And dragged you down to me,
And just held you...
My only way to respond to a look.
No words really able to say the same.
It later became apparent,
How much I really did miss you,
As I laid naked,
On your black, leather couch,
Pink bra still on...
As your arms rapped around me...
So close...
Never wanting you to let go.
But too soon,
I had to leave.
And you came with me,
When I could have gone alone.
You held my book bag,
And lend me your jacket,
As we walked,
Hand in hand,
Our hair drip,
Shoelaces untied,
Looking at each other every once in a while.
We splashed in puddles,
And you ran with me down a hill,
Just for fun...
And then we stopped.
The world stopped.
It was only us...
...And the rain.
And we kissed.
...Tasting the rain.
Tasting Spring...
Like hyacinths and mint...
Like peaches and cream...
Like butterflies...
They dance
They danced in the rain,
In the moment...
Playing with time...
Afterward, you asked me,
Why I was looking at you the way I was.
I guess I had that look too...
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