The black sky
Burst into gold
With a boom.
Shimmering vertically,
Above the viewer’s heads,
Who came by the hundreds.
The world became transfixed
As the glitter exploded,
Now on top of them,
As if it were a dome of gold.
Not an inch of night visible.
“This must be how faeries look like,”
was all I said,
to my mother.
The carnival rides stopped,
Only briefly,
As every head turned upward.
Only the sound of gold
could be heard,
along with
the occasional gasp of surprise.
It became apparent to me,
How every single person,
Was remembering a time,
when they were innocent
And consumed by bliss.
As their eyes twinkled,
from the star burst.
The glitter,
Slowly falling,
As if it were pixie dust,
As it dissolved
as it neared the earth...
Or it just became invisible...
Either way,
Every heart was in flight
from their happy thoughts,
just from the mere presence
of pixie dust.
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