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Colors of Life
07/19/2007 @ 10:05pm

The colors of life are simple and pure,
it lets us know when there is something astir.

There is green that means jealous like us girls,
we also want her ribbons and her shiny pearls.

Blue lets us know that trouble is coming,
Thats why on Monday we get up early and start running.

Red is the color many mistake as love and romance,
When in reality it is hate by losing our chance.

Yellow the color of joy, happiness and sun,
Makes us smile and feel so much like someone.

Black is the color of hate and despair,
makes us wish there was a Saviour there.

White is the color of heavenly doors,
the color of newly tiled ceramic floors.

But in the lead comes a certain color,
come take a guess, come shout and holler.

Yes it is pink so light and so free,
that is the color of happiness for me.
It comes in a bottle, in pens and in clothes,
feels like the magic a fairy bestows.
It is the color of a rising sun at dawn,
a new day, a new way of life has been born.

So grab it with both hands hold on so tight,
do not let go of this color without a fight.
It is the color that will see you through bad days,
that will make sure your happiness stays.
Without it your life is quite boring and dry,
there won't be a sun shining up in your sky.

Pink is the color of life in itself,
you can't then by law buy happiness off a shelf.

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