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Smile Again;
08/21/2007 @ 12:18am

She falls onto grass so green;
Beneath a sun so bright;
And a sky so blue;
Today is the day she takes the chance
To just run away

For years she's been breaking inside,
Hiding behind a smile
She knows she doesn't believe in

She grabbed the latch on the door,
Turned it and ran,
Escaped from a reality so harsh,
A reality so true,
Just to feel the world caress her softly

She was losing hope
Losing hope that all the beauty in the world
was gone

But once she got outside,
She ran as far as she could;
She felt the wind in her hair
She felt the warmth on her skin,
And some how everything was alright again

She let the birds songs be her escape theme
She let the sun be her guidance,
With this she smiled again;

Her eyes glistened and shown
All the happiness she had wished
To regain years before had come,
Her laughter gave reason
For all the withering to proceed with living
She was a saint to mother nature;

Soon the sun began to fall behind cold mountains,
And the stars abruptly greeted her
As they shown in the midnight sky

She got up, turned away slowly,
The smile faded, but it made an imprint on her soul,
And she went home,
back to the dreaded place she'd gone to years before
But this time when she went inside,
There was no longer that will to run and hide,
She faced all her fears,
Became stronger

Everyday she begins to hurt, now
She'll run as far as she can,
Let the Earth be her spiritual guidance,
And forget the worries of her past,
And everything for just a moment,
Is alright again

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