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Eyes Wide Shut
12/17/2007 @ 2:45am

Looking out into the political scheme of corporate America
As Obama and Clinton continue the legacy of broken promises
No Child left behind…I promise a more passionate education system
Words from those who seek our compelling trust

Why must I place my faith in corrupt jurisdiction
As ignorance continues to speak of a free world
When the president continues to lead a war of communist deception
Our brothers die a death at the hands of Muslim sacrifice

I find it hard to walk into retail stores that produce sweat shop goods
Hard to drive cars that provide financial assistance to terrorist
Hard to receive medication from companies that provide bonuses to those who
take from the poor
Living in a time where social security and Medicaid is given to middle class

Watching as our youths are educated in schools that are established to
create barriers
Barriers of out dated standardized test and mundane requirements
Constantly told that the prison is the only outcome for my people
And when those exceptional few who succeed choose to ignore their

We allow it without ever challenging their motives
You see all that we are is everything we allow into our mentalities
Health disparity only affects those who do not represent a majority vote
Minorities are an expendable commodity to our government

Rising health cost, stagnant inflation, fractured economy, and the beauty of
being black
All traits of a poverty stricken single mother of three kids
Who will never live the American dream
But will constantly create budget increase opportunities for white collar

As our youth continue to become uneducated to 106 and Park
Walk the thin line of relationship failures as it’s promoted by hell date
See how our women are nothing but an object of sexual frustration as
portrayed by I Love New York
And the desire to be an American Gangster in the minds of our young males

Constantly becoming uneducated before we are educated
When we fund war and foreign aid without question
But Have difficulties to support Katrina victims
If we do not unite we will continue to fall

My people we are greater than any regime
Greater than any political party
Greater than any degree of educational attainment
But without a voice we are and will remain nothing

It is up to the so called Generation X
To X-out ignorance and injustice
The leaders of the past have become out dated and overrated
We must evolve a new way of thinking and leading

A way that will inspire others to look within
Find the source of empowerment to empower others
The movement must take a mental form
And free our brothers mentally for this is the only source of true freedom

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