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Numbing it away
12/03/2008 @ 7:23pm

I'm lusting to feel numb
This is my newest love
It fits me so well
Like a hand to a glove

I'm just so tired of hurting
And never being able to make it go away
I try so hard to be happy
I try so hard to make things okay

In the end I always fail
Things are never right
Everyone says they care
But really they're just wasting their night

The one who cared for me most
I will never be able to see
The person I love the most
Can't be with me

The fighting never ends
And I'm sure it never will
My family is crazy
I'm sure someone must be mentally ill

All my friends take things the wrong way
Or they use me for whatever they see in me
I don't get why
I'm broken and foolish and stupid and high

They all spread rumors about me
And talk behind my back
I'm sure they hate me
But closer friends they lack

My truest and best friend in the whole world
Is seven feet under
Every night I think to myself
This could be my blunder

I'm so foolish and stupid
I deserve nothing but the worst
He should be the one alive
It should have been me in the hearse

This depression is pulling me apart
There is gradually less and less of my cold heart
The bones are beginning to show through the skin
The light at the end of the tunnel is growing dim

If only I could run away
Or numb it all, night and day
These problems that exist
Are not in my control to fix

If I numbed it all away
It would make the biggest difference in my day

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