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Out of Reach
12/22/2008 @ 5:36pm

The few things I want in life
I can never have
They're always in reach
But taken away before it can be grabbed

I am given all these meaningless things
That I couldn't care less about
But everything that I truly want
Is always just a little too far out of my route

I'm so sick and tired of this situation
Constantly repeating, always going on
You only get to live once
But I'm stuck wasting life on the people I'm dependent upon

I'm losing hope and am dying inside
There is nothing to say
I want to run and hide

I'm frustrated
I'm fed up
I'm sick of this shit
I would like nothing more than to simply quit

Everyone can have what they want
Except for me
There is no point in even trying
All I do is fail
My heart has been battered by hail

I'm giving up
Going to end my night
I'm sick of my happiness always being taken by a leech
When everything I want is always out of reach

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