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Assembly Line
12/29/2008 @ 4:30am

It's not like every other time
There is no such thing as time
That concept fades away
Out of my head
Out of this galaxy

It's like something I was born knowing
As if the mold was made for us
It fits so perfect
Something I've known my entire life
But was not fully aware of

Never aware of
Because the glove never fit so tight
The moment has never felt so magical
I've never felt so comfortable so quickly
Nothing has ever felt so right

Completely unforced
But forced to be tamed
Both wanting it, both to be blamed

Sparks fly as things heat up
Bodies moving, lips so sweet
All this passion, all this heat

Hearts on strings
Uncertainty flings
Nails and teeth, lusting hearts meet

Time stands still
Everything fits so perfectly
So flawlessly; like human machines

At the assembly line
But we're assembling something so much greater,
So much more
A much needed fix, patching holes
All while passion overflows

Where is this leading
No one is to know
The assembly line increases as feelings grow
Lose track of time
Down the rabbit hole we go
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