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06/11/2009 @ 6:35pm

Far beyond the highest hill
Nestled in the deepest wood
Lies a place of temper ill
A traveler alone
Wandering amongst the dewy oak leaves
Trudging through the grasses tall
As the moon reflects across the stream
Teaming with lost souls
As the cricket chirps atop a rock
And the nightingale sings upon a bough
A condemned traveler wanders, unable to stop
Wandering beneath the dripping dew
Feeling the breath of a soul condemned
Vengeful and hateful upon his neck
A ghoul needing one to send
To be redeemed from his endless trek
A lone traveler walks on an empty path
Wandering amongst the dewy oak leaves
Trudging through the grasses tall
As the moon reflects across the stream
Teaming with lost souls
He chokes on the earth upon which he hath tread
Drowns within the water which he had drawn
The lone traveler left for dead
As he sees the first rays of dawn
Reflecting across the stream
Teaming with lost souls

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