The song was flashy and it was an oldie
but the meaning has changed to make it a goldie.
or on a technicality; yellow.
A yellow ribbon around atree
or a building, or in a group
is now the sign of
support for our troops.
Our troops have gone off to fight war,
to win back the peace, rebuild, and restore.
And on the homefront,
yellow ribbons have shown up.
Some insist America is bloodthirsty,
seeing red,
but this isn't true.
Our troops and our people
see red, white, and blue.
The yellow is peace,
support, life, and love
and it will appear,
when push comes to shove.
Artificial flowers
of glowing gold hope
will continue to help
America cope.
Confronting the ways
of Saddam's evil vision,
these strands proudly show
our patriotism.
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